Tool Skills Lab

Step 2 of "Maintenance Ready". 3 Classes. Experience a tool library. Work with power tools. Complete a project & discover how to customize any project.

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Tool Skills

Class 3 of 9 in becoming "Maintenance Ready"

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BEGIN SKILLS Discover how to create your own tool library without breaking the bank or wasting money on tools you don’t need. We cover over 50 tools essential for maintaining or improving any home. Learn how tools impact budget and style when tackling your project. Experiment with new tools and learn best practices before making your purchase. This class gives you hands-on instruction with every tool you need to maintain & repair your home. You will learn techniques to use tools safely, effectively and with confidence in the Lab or at your home. NEXT CLASS -> Saw Skills

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Saw Skills

Class 4 of 9 in becoming "Maintenance Ready"

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Ready to take your DIY skills to the next level by building confidence with power saws? Learn the tools and techniques to get accurate measurement and marking for your cuts. Learn the functions and features to make precise cuts with the miter saw, circular saw, and jig saw. This is the second class of the three class Tool Skills Lab series. NEXT CLASS -> Build a Box

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Build A Box Project

Class 5 of 9 in becoming "Maintenance Ready"

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Want the chance to practice your new tool and saw skills? The box is the basis for almost all home organization projects and building one will hone your skills. Learn basics of wood joinery and build confidence with power tools while making boxes you can proudly display in your home. This is the third class of the three class Tool Skills Lab series. END SKILLS, BEGIN REPAIRS, NEXT CLASS -> Electrical Basics

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